Chuck Obremski moved to Orange County, California in 1976 from his native home, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from California State University, Fullerton, California with a B.A. degree in Criminal Justice and completed 1.5 years of graduate studies in Business Administration.
In 1978, Chuck recognized his need for God’s forgiveness and responded by grace through faith to the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection.
On February 16, 1978, Chuck received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Licensed for Ministry in 1987, Chuck was actively involved in Bible teaching for over twenty years. He worked along side the Los Angeles Rams Football Team, the Anaheim Mighty Ducks Hockey Team and the World Champion Anaheim Angels Baseball Team as their chaplain.
Chuck and his wife, Linda, married in 1975 and had three children, Dana, Ryan and Krista.

God knew that Chuck would share His message of salvation, whatever his circumstances. In July 2003, Chuck learned first hand the emotional roller coaster that goes with the diagnosis of “cancer”. The “cancer coaster” as Chuck called it, might have caused many to retreat and withdraw, but the opposite was true of Pastor Chuck.
Throughout the first 24 months of his grueling battle, which included a myriad of appointments, tests, chemotherapy treatments and serious surgeries, Chuck didn’t miss a single Sunday of preaching or chapel services.
The seriousness of his disease only caused him to become more keenly aware of the urgency to share the “good news” of the gospel message with everyone whom he came in contact.
Chuck used every moment of his “cancer coaster” ride to minister to each person God put in his path, from his own congregation and sphere of professional athletes, to nurses and doctors and many others who were dealing with the reality of a terminal illness.

Chuck’s Testimony
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5